The following will help you get a local test server running that can be used with DreamPi or BlastEm clients. Setup to support VoIP/PSTN clients is much more in-depth and will be covered later.
1. Install PHP (7.4+), MySQL/MariaDB, and the cURL, GD, and MySQL extensions for PHP. (On ubuntu: `apt install php-cli mariadb-server php-curl php-gd php-mysql`)
2. Create a new database: `create database roofgarden;`
3. Add a new user to the db: `grant all privileges on roofgarden.* to 'roofgarden'@'%' identified by 'roofgarden';`
4. Import the db schema from the repo: `mysql roofgarden < schema.sql`
5. Create a user named "test" to use with blastem: `insert into sipaccounts values(0, 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'sip', NULL);`
6. Make a copy of secret.php.dist named secret.php, and edit it with your database host, user, password, and db name.
7. Launch Roofgarden. `php roofgarden.php`
8. Launch blastem, set the server to your server address, and use `test` as the identity value. |
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